
Muslim Women Friendship

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Muslim Matrimonials





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32 Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Seeking: Male 21 - 75
عليه أن يكون نظيفاً. والاهتمام الجاد بالزواج الحلال. ليس لدي أي مصلحة في شؤون الحب الحرام وما إلى ذلك يا الله. ولا أريد رجلاً يبحث فقط عن الجنس وجواز السفر والمال والجمال. الإسلام هو الأولوية القصوى. الجميع يقف وحيدا أمام الله وعلينا أن نكون مستعدين لها كل يوم... هذه الحياة زائلة ولكن يمكن للمرء أن يستمتع بها حلالا والمحبة بين رجل وامرأة يحب الله كثيرا إذا حسنت النوايا. لسوء الحظ لا أستطيع تقديم أي تنازلات. لون البشرة وما إلى ذلك لا يهم طالما أن القلب نقي. لكن اللحية والملابس الإسلامية والصلاة مهمة جداً. القواعد الإسلامية. وعلى الرغم من أنني أحب الأطفال كثيرًا، إلا أنني أفضل ألا يكون لدي أطفال. عذرا يا رب. أنا لست ساذجة وأعرف الناس جيدًا، رغم أن الكثير من الناس يقللون من شأني دائمًا بسبب وجهي الصغير والبريء وأسلوبي الهادئ. أحب الطعام الصحي. وأنا آسف لأنني أكتب كثيرًا هنا، لكني أريد أن أمنع الأشخاص الخطأ من الكتابة إلي وإضاعة الوقت والطاقة دون داع. نسأل الله تعالى أن يرزقنا جميعا التقوى والهداية وبعد حياة طويلة وصحية وسعيدة النعيم الدائم في الجنة إن شاء الله. حفظكم الله وبارك فيكم وأعانكم. السلام عليكم، الله حافظ. And no, its not rude or arrogance to not answer every message, but i will communicate with people who could be suitable and people who start with hi instead if Salam Alaikum and kafir pictures and so on i will not answer. And no it's not a duty for a woman to answer to a man the greeting. Please get Islamic knowledge and good manners. Thank you so much! 🙂 And in the very pretty and expect the same from my husband. Because to find each other attractive is much important to fall in love.
30 Accra, Greater Accra, Ghana
Seeking: Male 33 - 61
Hi there, everyone. My name is Celline, and welcome to my profile. My mother is Ghanaian, and my father is Nigerian. I am a thirty-year-old single woman without children. I was born and raised in Nigeria, where I spent 25 years of my life living with my parents before they got divorced. My mother then relocated to Ghana, where I joined her and have remained for the last five years. My mother is a retired banker, and my father drove tankers. After completing my studies at the University of Port Harcourt, I received my degree from the University of Ghana Legon. presently employed in a warehouse as a sales manager. While my mother and my twin brother reside in a family home in her hometown, I rent an apartment in Accra. Despite my placid demeanor, I enjoy making my pals laugh while I'm around them. I'm a really talented cook and love to make both Ghanaian and Nigerian dishes. I also enjoy watching movies (The Hobbit, Squid Game, and Game of Thrones are my favorites), listening to music, and reading (my favorite book is Rich Dad Poor Dad). Although I'm not big on sports, I enjoy taking walks with pals on the weekends. I consider myself to be sexy, loyal, honest, passionate, loving, and caring to most people around me. I've been in a number of relationships that have ended in tears, so I made the decision to search online for a mature, committed, and family-ready partner. Since I will be under his care forever, I need someone who will always make me feel loved and who will never cheat on me. I'm a single woman who doesn't enjoy sharing her man. I'm looking for a kind man who will commit himself to me for eternity. My goals are to become a parent, get married, and settle down. Thank you for looking over my profile. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me.

