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Members who have found love on Muslima

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MasyaAllah Thanks a bunch to Muslima. You made us meet each other and then got married, Alhamdulillah. May Barak Allah to our lives now and in the future. MasyaAllah Thanks a bunch to Muslima. You made us meet each other and then got married, Alhamdulillah. May Barak Allah to our lives now and in the future.

I found my partner.

I found my partner. الحمدلله رب العالمين التعدد شرع الله لقيت بنت &#... I found my partner. الحمدلله رب العالمين التعدد شرع الله لقيت بنت الحلال و الثالثة قريباً ان شاء الله

I received a message that changed everything

Joined Muslima with low expectations but hope that I would find my forever friend. I had almost given up on that hope until one day I received a message that changed everything. 7 months later here we are happy, in love, and married. Joined Muslima with low expectations but hope that I would find my forever friend. I had almost given up on that hope until one day I received a message that changed everything. 7 months later here we are happy, in love, and married.

Thank Allah first and

As Salaamu Alaikum! I joined Muslima because I was trying to find my soul mate. What I like most about Muslima is that the potentials were real people. I met some awesome brothers on this site and it gave me hope. My experience has been successful as I met and married my soulmate Al Hamdillah&... As Salaamu Alaikum! I joined Muslima because I was trying to find my soul mate. What I like most about Muslima is that the potentials were real people. I met some awesome brothers on this site and it gave me hope. My experience has been successful as I met and married my soulmate Al Hamdillah! It’s a crazy story after talking for just 5 short months I flew to KSA by myself and married my husband. I was terrified but it has been the greatest blessing in my life. Thank Allah first and

I am sooo great full for this site

Muslima has helped me find my future wife, I am so great full for this site, and hopefully, everyone finds their true happiness as I have Muslima has helped me find my future wife, I am so great full for this site, and hopefully, everyone finds their true happiness as I have

9 Monate später haben wir geheiratet- Alhamdulilah

Hallo, ich habe meinen Mann hier auf dieser Seite kennengelernt, er hat mich angeschrieben und ich schrieb zurück. Als ich seine Nachricht sah und die Vorwahl seiner Telefonnummer dachte ich :" Oh nein, der wohnt ja in Ägypten oder so ähnlich". Tatsäc... Hallo, ich habe meinen Mann hier auf dieser Seite kennengelernt, er hat mich angeschrieben und ich schrieb zurück. Als ich seine Nachricht sah und die Vorwahl seiner Telefonnummer dachte ich :" Oh nein, der wohnt ja in Ägypten oder so ähnlich". Tatsächlich kommt er aus Marokko. Wir haben gechattet und über Facetime telefoniert und es stellte sich mit der Zeit heraus das er meine Erwartungen sogar noch übertreffen sollte. 9 Monate später haben wir geheiratet- Alhamdulilah.